Digital Skills and Thinking for the Humanities The first “Teach the Teachers workshop in Digital Skills and Thinking for the Humanities” was successfully delivered in January 2021. The workshop was a collaboration between the Leiden Centre for Digital Humanities and Leiden University Libraries’ Centre for Digital Scholarship. Peter Verhaar • March 31, 2021
Applying copyright in times of online teaching Due to the coronavirus situation several measures have been taken. We are all working from home as much as possible. Teaching staff are busy to facilitate online classes and other digital learning materials for their students. How can teachers best apply copyright under the changed circumstances? Erna Sattler • March 20, 2020
Tips and Tricks with Thijs Porck Thijs Porck was the obvious choice for an interview about using Facebook as an academic. Earlier this year he was awarded the Humanities Faculty Teaching Prize, where his use of Facebook was specifically mentioned. Mieneke van der Salm • December 16, 2014
Teaching Through Tumblr As a somewhat less formal, or even frankly informal, form of communication Tumblr has a low barrier to engagement and as such can serve as a great way to interact with many types of public and for many different aims. Mieneke van der Salm • September 16, 2014