Finding Access It's frustrating when you run into (pay) walls when looking for journal articles and time consuming to track down access. These tools can help you do just that from right within your browser. Mieneke van der Salm • June 30, 2017
Discover what ORCID can do for you On Thursday 22 June the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) are organising an informative session on the Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). Mieneke van der Salm • June 15, 2017
Stay Open to Open Access In the wake of last month's launch of the Open Up to Open Access campaign by the VNSU, here is some more Open Access news. Mieneke van der Salm • June 09, 2017
Datamanagers network event The Centre for Digital Scholarship organises a network event for all datamanagers within Leiden University and the LUMC. Main goal is to get to know each other, learn about the different roles, share best practices and find solutions to common problems. Fieke Schoots • May 30, 2017
How Open Access may boost a promising career As part of its “Open up to open access” campaign to raise awareness about the deals with publishers mentioned in earlier posts, the VSNU interviewed two Leiden PhD candidates on their views on how to promote Open Access publishing among your researchers. Michelle van den Berk • May 18, 2017
Open Up to Open Access On May 15th the VSNU, the association of universities in the Netherlands, kicked off a new Open Access awareness campaign titled 'Open Up to Open Access!' Why would that be of interest to you? Because there is a link between open access and impact. Mieneke van der Salm • May 18, 2017
YouTube starring You! You've probably watched a YouTube video at some point in your life. In fact, chances are good you've watched a video yesterday. But YouTube is about more than entertainment and cat videos; did you know it can also be used as a science communication tool? Mieneke van der Salm • April 20, 2017
Fostering effective data management practices Want to learn more on the coming about of our data services catalogue? Liber Quarterly has published our article “Fostering effective data management practices at Leiden University”. Fieke Schoots • March 14, 2017
Tool offers an easy check on Open Access possibilities In order to make Open Access publishing easier for researchers, Leiden University Libraries’ colleague Rutger de Jong has written a tool that shows the Open Access options of an article. All you need to do is simply fill out the DOI. Michelle van den Berk • March 10, 2017